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This object represents a header that contains information about an invoice.

For an example, see: GetInvoiceDetails.


Name Type Description
Id String The unique identifier of the invoice.
InvoiceNumber String This property is only applicable if the invoice is in an approved status, null otherwise.
CustomerId String The customerId of the customer this invoice is for.
CustomerCode String The customerCode of the customer this invoice is for.
CustomerClusterId String The Id of the customer cluster, for the customer, that the invoice is assigned to.
InvoiceStatus InvoiceStatusEnum The invoice status. For a list of invoice statuses, see: InvoiceStatusEnum.
BillingPeriodStart String The start date of the billing period for this invoice.
BillingPeriodEnd String The end date of the billing period for this invoice.
LastCalculationFinishDate String The last time this invoice was calculated.
InvoiceDate String The date this invoice was created.
BillingDate String Invoice date assigned by user for ad hoc and billing period end date for period invoice.
LastInvoiceRunDate String The date the invoice was last updated.
LastCalculatedTotal Double The total value on this invoice.
LastCalculatedTotalCurrency String No Overview Available.
LastCalculatedCostTotal Double The total cost on this invoice.
LastCalculatedCostTotalCurrency String No Overview Available.
InvoiceType InvoiceType No Overview Available.
ApprovalDate String The date this invoice was approved.
InvoiceReference String No Overview Available.
OutstandingAmount Money No Overview Available.

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