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This object represents a Customer in the API context.

For general information about customers in the CloudBilling context, see Customers Overview.


Name Type Description
Id String No Overview Available.
CustomerCode String A unique external identifier for this customer that is used to associated Purchases with this customer.
CustomerName String The name of the customer.
ImportTagName String The name of the Customer Cluster this customer should be assigned to.
CreatedDate String The date this customer was created. If not specified, the current date at the time of creation is used.
UpdatedDate String No Overview Available.
Addresses Address[] A list of addresses for the customer.
ContactName String No Overview Available.
ContactPhone String No Overview Available.
InvoicePeriodUOM UOM The Unit Of Measurement for the length of the invoice period. Can be one of, Day, Month, or Year.
InvoicePeriodSize Int32 The number of InvoicePeriodUOMs each invoice period will last.
InvoicePeriodAlignToUOM Boolean Whether or not to align the period to the Unit Of Measurement. When set to true and the InvoicePeriodUOM is set to, e.g., Month, the invoice period will start when the month starts. If set to false, the first invoice will start at either BillFromDate or CreatedDate (depending on which was specified) and will end exactly InvoicePeriodSize InvoicePeriodUOMs later.
InvoiceSeparatelyPerPeriod Boolean Obsolete: No longer in use.
BillFromDate String The date from which this customer should be billed. If not specified, the createdDate is used.
IsBillingSuspended Boolean Whether billing is suspended for this customer. If this is true, no billing will occur for this customer.
LastInvoiceDate String Obsolete: No longer in use.
LastPurchaseImportDate String Obsolete: No longer in use.
StringValues NameValuePair[] A list of string name-value pair metadata.
NumericValues NameValuePair[] A list of numeric name-value pair metadata.
DateValues NameValuePair[] A list of date name-value pair metadata.
CustomerClusterId String No Overview Available.
LCID Int32 The locale identifier that indicates the locale for the customer, e.g. 1033 for English. For a complete list of locale identifiers, see:
IsBusyImporting Boolean Obsolete: No longer in use.
IsBusyBilling Boolean Obsolete: No longer in use.
IsReservedForBilling Boolean Obsolete: No longer in use.
IsBusyInvoicing Boolean Obsolete: No longer in use.
BillingBatchReference Guid? Obsolete: No longer in use.
InvoiceRunReference Guid? Obsolete: No longer in use.
ReservedForBillingDate String Obsolete: No longer in use.
EmailAddresses EmailAddress[] A list of email addresses associated with the customer.
TimezoneId String The timezone Identifier. For a list of options see: Note: Always use the name specified in the list, e.g., W.Europe Standard Time.

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