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This object represents information about an invoice.

For an example see: GetInvoiceDetails.


Name Type Description
Id String The unique Id of this invoice detail item.
Quantity Double The quantity of the result.
MeasuredQuantity Double The quantity, after having applied pro-rata aspects of affected rules.
Value Double The value of the result.
ValueCurrency String No Overview Available.
Cost Double The cost of this invoice item.
CostCurrency String No Overview Available.
CalculationDate String The date this result was calculated.
FromDate String The from date is determined by underlying source items.
ToDate String The to date of is determined by underlying source items.
CalculationOrder Int32 No Overview Available.
OperatorUsed String The name of the operator used in the price rule to generate this result.
OperatorValueUsed Double The value used in the price rule to generate this result.
CostRuleValueUsed Double The cost value used in the rule that generated this invoice item.
ProductTagName String The name of the product this result represents.
IsIntermediateResult Boolean Whether or not this is an intermediate result.
BillingOutputTags String[] A list of billing output tags associated with the invoice line item through the price rule that generated the result.
InvoiceLabel String Obsolete: No longer in use.
StringValues NameValuePair[] An optional list of names and values representing string metadata.
NumericValues NameValuePair[] An optional list of nameValuePairs representing numeric metadata.
DateValues NameValuePair[] An optional list of nameValuePairs representing date metadata.

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